Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Automobile Find

Earlier this year I stopped in at the Speedway Bookmans as I tend to do several times a week, honestly I could live there if I needed to.

While there I came across a copy of "Automobile" a game that was made in 2009 by Mayfair Games and was created by Martin Wallace who has made other games such as "Steam," "Age of Industry" and "Rise of Empires."

However, the copy I came across was not made in 2009, rather it was one of 1,500 copies made in 2008 and it was released by Wallace's own publishing company Warfrog games of the Treefrog Line.

Warfrog no longer exists and his company is now just strictly Treefrog now. The copy I found of this game was 1,358 of the 1,500 made. It also is signed by Martin Wallace right next to the print number.

To the best of my recollection I believe I paid around $30 for this copy, but I'm not completely sure as I already took the sticker off of the game. (From now on I will try and leave the stickers on or keep the receipt until I have written about it.)

Anyways back to my main subject, the game itself takes place during the early years of the car industry boom in the years from about 1896 to 1930.

The players themselves take on the role of investors who will try to make the most money by producing a selling automobiles.

On the board are numerous types of cars and six car creators; Henry Ford who was the pioneer of mass production techniques, William Crapo Durant who bought companies to form General Motors, Alfred P. Sloan was responsible for making GM into one of the largest companies on the planet. Walter Chrysler began to make the some of the most advanced cars of the time, Charles Kettering who developed the starter motor for the car and then finally Charles Howard who was probably the greatest car salesman of the time.

Automobile's board which is about 25.5" x 22.1"  and has a nice colorful arrangement. Different types of cars are in squares that are arranged to form the outer border of the board.

It comes with nice wood pieces in five different colors and then there is also a stack of paper money with images of cars on it.

The object of the game is use your base of $2000 that you are given and then take out loans to build factories and produce cars. You use the different car makers to help you produce cars in your factories depending on the demand.

At the end of the game players will receive certain amounts of money for their factories and add it to their cash they already had. After that the players have to payback whatever loans they have accumulated and then the player with the most money wins.

The game is meant for 3-5 players, for ages 13 and up and takes about two hours to play.

I have not had a chance to play this game yet, but am definitely interested giving it a try, but I will have to sit down and give the rules a good read through, then I would also have to find people that are willing to play it as well.

Well that is all I have for this week, if you are interested in playing this game, let me know so we can try and get together. Also, if you have already played this game please feel free to post your opinions or advice for the game.

Remember to check out my brother's "Let's Play" channel on YouTube where I may make an occasional appearance.

Also keep an eye out as Will Erickson might be posting a review for a video game that he has recently played.

Thanks and play well,

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