Friday, June 28, 2013


Guess who is finally back with another board game to discuss? Ok I'm pretty sure you have figured out that it's me.

Sorry for the excessive delay, but I had to spend most of all my spare time on doing homework for college, lame excuse I know.

Hopefully, over this summer I will be able to post some more second-hand findings and update you on some new projects that I've taken on.

Anyways, now to the part that you want.

Okay so once again I was sifting through different areas around the Bookmans on Speedway and Wilmot trying to find something interesting to pick up.

That is when I stumbled upon "Tongiaki."

This copy was printed in 2004 by ÜberPlay, the game was created by Thomas Rauscher.

The box was the first thing that grabbed my attention as the artwork was intriguing and I tend to pick things up that say "Über" on them, what can I say I'm a sucker.