Wednesday, August 29, 2012

RISK: 2210 A.D.

Welcome back to Secondhand Findings, my few random viewers to yet another week and another board game that I happened to stumble across.

This week I will be talking about the copy of RISK: 2210 A.D. that I happened upon when I was at the Bookmans on Campbell and Grant.

The game is for 2-5 players, ages 10 and up.

RISK: 2210 A.D. was designed by Rob Daviau and Craig Van Ness, it was originally printed in 2001 by Avalon Hill games, which is a division of Hasbro, which have put out other games such as "Axis and Allies," "Betrayal at House on the Hill" and one of my personal favorites "Roborally."

The game regularly retails at $42.99 and I picked it up for $20. Granted the box has seen better days, but it's not like its completely destroyed, the previous owners got some use out of it. The corners are dinged and the overall box is faded, but it had all the pieces there and those are in good condition.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Automobile Find

Earlier this year I stopped in at the Speedway Bookmans as I tend to do several times a week, honestly I could live there if I needed to.

While there I came across a copy of "Automobile" a game that was made in 2009 by Mayfair Games and was created by Martin Wallace who has made other games such as "Steam," "Age of Industry" and "Rise of Empires."

However, the copy I came across was not made in 2009, rather it was one of 1,500 copies made in 2008 and it was released by Wallace's own publishing company Warfrog games of the Treefrog Line.

Warfrog no longer exists and his company is now just strictly Treefrog now. The copy I found of this game was 1,358 of the 1,500 made. It also is signed by Martin Wallace right next to the print number.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Second Hand Blog Introduction

Mylo Erickson
Hello I'm Mylo Erickson and I'm an avid fan of board games. My obsession has only come to fruition in the past few years so I'm still learning a lot about them.

My wife tends to shake her head whenever I geek out about something. As of this day she shook her head at how excited I am about Shark Week and my excitement that "Jaws" is now out on Blu-ray.

I am also truly excited that I will get a chance to see "Jaws" in the theater, as it will be shown on August 23 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Century Theaters in town.

Anyways back to what I was originally talking about, board games. as a kid I mostly played card games as that what my family would play whenever they got together. Obviously I did play some classic board games like "Monopoly," "Clue," "Mouse Trap" and "Hungry, Hungry Hippos."