Thursday, January 24, 2013

Spite & Malice

Hello and thanks for coming back check out what kind of new used game that I have managed to come across in my wanderings.

This time I will be talking about a card game that I found at, can you guess where, that's right I found it at Bookmans. It was at the Speedway and Wilmot location.

The card game is called "Spite & Malice," this particular card game appears to have been originally printed in 1975 using a regular deck of cards.

The original name had a 'N' instead of the & symbol, it also had very different artwork, very 70ish artwork. Hasbro picked up the rights and reprinted the game in 2002. They obviously changed the artwork and added two menacing looking cartoon cats.

Hasbro also added some cards to the deck, such as wild/spite cards, malice cards and added some rule changes to a couple of the other cards.

Parker Brothers obtained the rights from Hasbro to print the game. The copy that I got a hold of was printed by Parker Brothers.